Top 10 Most Popular Facial Feminization Procedures: Golden Ways of Femininity

Facial feminization surgery (FFS) are procedures used by plastic surgeons for all individuals who want to reveal their feminine aspects, especially trans women. FFS includes a range of cosmetic and reconstructive procedures for individuals who want to feminise their facial features. FFS, which attracts the attention of transgender individuals in terms of its results, also meets the needs of cis women. These opportunities provided by FFS also increase the curiosity about the procedures.
To satisfy your curiosity, we have compiled the most popular of these procedures for you under this heading. Here are the 10 most popular facial feminisation procedures:

1.Adam’s Apple Reduction

This technique, commonly known as tracheal shaving, is used to reduce the size of the Adam’s apple in the throat. This throat protrusion is usually more prominent in individuals who were assigned male at birth. It is formed by the cartilaginous structure surrounding the thyroid gland. This procedure involves making a small incision on the Adam’s apple so that the surgeon can access the area and reduce the protruding cartilage.

2.Jawbone / Chin Contour

Another technique that transgender people request for a more feminine appearance is chin reduction. Since the chin of men is much wider and sharper than women, it negatively affects the feminine appearance. Chin and jaw contouring procedures are performed using a milling cutter through small incisions to soften or reshape masculine jaw lines.

3.Forehead Contouring and Forehead Reduction

One of the most important appearance factors of femininity is an ideal hairline and forehead shape. This area, which differs in cis men and cis women, appears as a wider forehead and more receding hairline in men. This negatively affects the feminine appearance in transgender individuals. Forehead reduction and forehead hairline advancement surgery, one of the most popular aesthetic surgery applications of recent years, is an application with a high satisfaction rate in terms of its results. Dr. Mehmet Fatih Okyay, serving in Antalya, Turkey, stands out with his success in various FFS applications, especially forhead reduction.

4.Brow Lift

Eyebrows are not only effective in giving a feminine and attractive appearance, but also an important factor in reflecting emotions and thoughts. This importance makes the brow lift procedure very popular. This technique is in the form of reshaping the eyebrows by making the eyes larger and more attractive. Combining this procedure with hairline advancement surgery offers a more feminine forehead and more attractive eyes.

5. Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery is also commonly performed for transgender and cis women with low and squinting eyes. In addition to more slanted and beautiful eyes, it tightens the skin and creates a more beautiful and vigorous face. This procedure can be performed by removing fat deposits in and around the eyelids for larger and more vibrant eyes.


The nose is the most remarkable organ in terms of being located in the centre of the face and giving the face a balanced appearance. The nose is much longer, bony and larger in men. This is one of the obstacles to feminine appearance. This situation has paved the way for rhinoplasty, which transgender women often apply for feminine appearance. Rhinoplasty is a resizing and reshaping procedure for a smaller and rounder beautiful nose for a feminine face. Although rhinoplasty may seem complicated, it is one of the most commonly performed facial feminisation procedures in the world. As with all FFS procedures, it is important to choose an experienced surgeon to get a good result from rhinoplasty.

7.Liposuction for Face

Although liposuction is known as a procedure used for the body, it is also frequently used in face and neck shaping. It is possible to achieve a feminine appearance by reshaping the face and neck with liposuction. Different techniques can be used according to personal wishes. However, in general terms, the procedure is prepared with a tumescence solution to minimise the fatty and swollen appearance on the face, and then excess fat is absorbed with a vacuum source. If desired, this fat can be processed and injected into the areas where volume and fullness are desired.

8.Cheek Augmentation

One of the most popular facial feminization procedures is cheek augmentation. In other words, cheek augmentation is preferred for rounder and more feminine facial features. Cheek augmentation is performed to correct the loss of volume in the cheekbone and the soft tissue on it, cheek sagging, piling of the cheek on the nose and lips and consequently the rise of nasolabial grooves, aging, environmental factors, heredity and many other reasons.

9.Endoscopic Temporal Lifting

One of the indispensable applications of facial feminisation procedures for people who want a younger and more beautiful appearance is endoscopic temporal lifting. It is an ideal procedure for individuals who want to eliminate the signs of aging and achieve a more feminine appearance. This application, which is increasing in popularity, offers a minimally invasive solution to rejuvenate the temporal region thanks to innovative techniques. Endoscopic temporal lift, also known as endoscopic brow lift, is a cosmetic procedure designed to stabilise drooping or low eyebrows and forehead skin. It differs from the traditional brow lift procedure in that it utilises advanced endoscopic technology with smaller incisions and less scarring.

10.Lip Lifting

One of the most preferred facial feminization procedures is lip lift. It is the most requested procedure for trans women and cis women who want to complete their feminine appearance with full and attractive lips. Lip lift is a facial feminisation procedure applied for a younger and feminine lip appearance by narrowing the distance between the lower part of the nose and the upper part of the upper lip.

Why Facial Feminization Surgery?

Facial feminization surgery is a highly personalised and comprehensive phenomenon that encompasses a series of surgical procedures designed to feminize the face. Beyond a flawless appearance, the fact that our facial features have a serious impact on who we are and how we are perceived from the outside makes the process even more important. Facial feminization surgery is a very important point for trans women to combine their gender identity with their bodies. Prominent and prominent eyebrows, sharp and square jaw line and sunken flat cheeks are the main features that cause masculine appearance.

All applications such as rounding the facial contours for a more feminine appearance, narrowing various regions and organs in general are within the scope of FFS. For this reason, facial feminization surgery is the most popular application for anyone who needs it, especially for MTF individuals. The applications to be performed are highly personalised in this process and shaped according to individual demand.

If you are in need of facial feminisation procedures, you can benefit from the free consultancy opportunities of the clinics. By evaluating your needs together with your surgeon, you can achieve the best results for you.

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