Fox Eye Look with FFS: Natural or Dramatic?

For individuals seeking facial feminization surgery (FFS), the quest for a balanced and aesthetically pleasing outcome is paramount. In recent times, fox eye surgery has emerged as a popular cosmetic procedure, captivating many with its promise of elongated and lifted eyes. But can fox eye surgery be seamlessly integrated into an FFS procedure? Let’s delve into this topic, unveiling the intricacies and considerations involved.

Can Fox Eye Surgery Be Performed as Part of FFS?

Absolutely! FFS encompasses a range of surgical procedures designed to refine facial features and achieve a more feminine appearance. Fox eye surgery, also known as lateral canthopexy, fits perfectly within this spectrum. During this procedure, the surgeon strategically tightens the lateral canthal ligament, the anatomical structure anchoring the outer corner of the eye. This maneuver subtly lifts and elongates the eyes, creating an alluring upturned appearance often associated with a youthful and alert gaze.

Fox Eye Surgery vs. Canthopexy in FFS: Striking Similarities

The essence of fox eye surgery lies in replicating the effects of a canthopexy, a procedure commonly included in FFS. Both techniques aim to achieve the same outcome: elevating the outer corners of the eyes for a more youthful and feminine look. However, subtle differences might exist depending on the surgeon’s approach and the patient’s specific needs. In FFS, canthopexy might be combined with other procedures to achieve a more comprehensive transformation, while fox eye surgery might be a standalone procedure focusing solely on the lateral canthus.

The Allure and the Trade-Offs: Combining Fox Eye Surgery with FFS

The decision to incorporate fox eye surgery into your FFS plan hinges on a personalized assessment of your desired outcome and facial anatomy. Here’s a breakdown of the potential advantages and disadvantages:


  • Enhanced Femininity: Fox eye surgery can accentuate the upward tilt of the eyes, often associated with a more feminine appearance.
  • Balanced Look: When performed alongside other FFS procedures, fox eye surgery can contribute to a more harmonious and balanced overall result.
  • Minimally Invasive: Compared to other FFS procedures, fox eye surgery is generally considered less invasive, with shorter recovery times.


  • Overdone Appearance: Achieving a subtle and natural-looking lift is crucial. Overdoing the procedure can lead to an unnatural or even surprised expression.
  • Unsuitable Anatomy: Not everyone is a perfect candidate for fox eye surgery. Certain facial structures might not benefit as much, or the results might not be as dramatic.
  • Limited Scope: Fox eye surgery focuses solely on the outer corners of the eyes. It might not address other concerns you might have regarding your eyes, such as eyelid drooping or puffiness.

Navigating the Risks: Safety First

As with any surgery, fox eye surgery carries inherent risks. While generally considered safe when performed by a qualified and experienced surgeon, some potential complications include:

  • Infection: Proper surgical technique and post-operative care are crucial to minimize the risk of infection.
  • Bleeding: Though uncommon, bleeding can occur during or after the surgery.
  • Asymmetry: Achieving perfect symmetry in facial features is challenging. Minor asymmetry is a possibility, though a skilled surgeon will strive to minimize it.
  • Nerve Damage: Damage to nerves around the eye can lead to temporary or permanent numbness or weakness in the surrounding muscles.

Remember: Open communication with your surgeon regarding your medical history and desired outcome is vital to minimize risks and ensure a safe and successful procedure.

Doubling Down on Downtime: Recovery After Combined Procedures

Undergoing both FFS and fox eye surgery simultaneously will likely extend your recovery time compared to having them separately. The exact duration depends on the extent of your FFS procedures. Here’s a general picture:

  • Initial Discomfort: Expect swelling, bruising, and discomfort around the eyes and the surgical sites for the first few days to a week.
  • Restricted Activity: Avoid strenuous activities for several weeks to allow proper healing.
  • Gradual Improvement: Swelling and bruising will gradually subside over the course of two to three weeks.
  • Final Results: It can take several months for the final results to become fully evident as swelling completely resolves.

Listen to your body: During recovery, prioritize rest and follow your surgeon’s instructions meticulously. This ensures optimal healing and minimizes the risk of complications.

The Non-Surgical Route: Can You Fake It?

For those seeking a non-surgical approach to achieving a fox eye effect, several options exist. However, it’s important to understand that these methods offer temporary results and might not be as dramatic

Subtle Enhancements: Non-Surgical Alternatives for FFS

While fox eye surgery delivers a more permanent solution, several non-surgical techniques can subtly enhance the appearance of your eyes during FFS:

  • Makeup Artistry: A skilled makeup artist can work wonders with strategic application of eyeliner, eyeshadow, and lifting techniques. Using lighter shades on the inner corners and darker shades on the outer corners can create the illusion of a lifted and elongated eye shape.
  • Botox: In some cases, strategically placed Botox injections in the brow area can create a slight brow lift, indirectly contributing to a more lifted and open eye appearance. However, it’s important to consult a qualified healthcare professional to determine if Botox is suitable for you.
  • Eyelid Tape: This temporary solution involves applying a thin adhesive strip to the outer corner of the eyelid, gently lifting it for a subtle fox eye effect. While effective for short-term wear, it might not be ideal for everyday use.

Remember: Non-surgical methods offer impermanent results and might require practice or professional expertise to achieve the desired outcome.

The Long Game: Fox Eye Surgery and FFS – A Lasting Impact?

The longevity of results achieved by combining fox eye surgery with FFS is generally quite positive. The tightening of the lateral canthal ligament is a permanent alteration, so the lifted and elongated appearance of the eyes should be sustained in the long term. However, factors like natural aging and sun damage can influence the overall effect over time. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and sun protection can help preserve the youthful results of your surgery.

Unveiling the Price Tag: The Cost of Fox Eye Surgery with FFS

The cost of adding fox eye surgery to your FFS package can vary depending on several factors, including:

  • Surgeon’s Experience: A board-certified facial plastic surgeon with expertise in FFS and fox eye surgery will likely command a higher fee.
  • Geographic Location: Costs can differ based on the surgeon’s location and the overall cost of living in the area.
  • Complexity of FFS Procedures: The extent and number of FFS procedures you undergo will significantly impact the overall cost.

General Range: As a ballpark figure, incorporating fox eye surgery into your FFS plan might add anywhere from $3,000 to $7,000 to the total cost. However, it’s crucial to consult with potential surgeons directly to receive a personalized quote based on your specific needs and desired outcome.

Finding the Perfect Match: Why Specialization Matters

When considering fox eye surgery alongside FFS, choosing a surgeon who specializes in both procedures is highly recommended. Here’s why:

  • Deep Understanding of Facial Anatomy: A surgeon experienced in FFS possesses a profound understanding of facial structures and their interplay. This expertise is crucial for achieving a natural-looking and balanced outcome when combining fox eye surgery with other FFS procedures.
  • Experience with FFS Patients: A surgeon specializing in FFS has a proven track record of working with transgender and gender-nonconforming patients. They understand the unique desires and goals associated with facial feminization and can tailor their approach accordingly.
  • Aesthetic Sensibility: Beyond technical skill, a skilled FFS surgeon possesses a keen aesthetic sense. They can advise you on the most suitable approach to achieve a natural and harmonious result that complements your overall facial features.

Remember: Taking the time to research and find a qualified and experienced surgeon is an investment in your well-being and satisfaction with the final outcome.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Can I have fox eye surgery without undergoing FFS?

Absolutely! Fox eye surgery can be performed as a standalone procedure for anyone seeking the lifted and elongated eye shape it creates.

2. What are some alternatives to fox eye surgery if I’m not a good candidate?

If fox eye surgery isn’t suitable for your facial anatomy, there are non-surgical options like makeup techniques, eyelid tape, or even strategically placed Botox injections (always consult a qualified healthcare professional before considering Botox).

3. How long will the results of fox eye surgery with FFS last?

The results of fox eye surgery combined with FFS are generally considered long-lasting. The tightening of the lateral canthal ligament is a permanent alteration. However, natural aging and sun damage can influence the overall effect over time.

This blog post strives to provide a comprehensive overview of fox eye surgery in the context of FFS. Remember, consulting a qualified and experienced facial plastic surgeon specializing in FFS is crucial for personalized advice and a successful outcome.