Faut-il avoir peur de la chirurgie de féminisation du visage ?

You need facial feminization surgery but don’t have the courage! So is this comprehensive process as scary as you think? In this article, we will discuss the risks, side effects and results of facial feminization for you and tell you why you should not be afraid.

One of the most popular surgical procedures of recent years, facial feminization, FFS, continues to maintain its place at the top thanks to the benefits it provides. While it offers the opportunity to achieve the best results, especially for individuals who are in the stage of completing their gender transition, some risk factors also cause question marks. Here are the most curious questions about FFS!

1.What are the risks of Facial Feminization Surgery?

Let us remind again a common knowledge: Every surgical procedure has its own risks. Although FFS also involves some risks as a surgical process, the probability of these risks occurring is extremely low. Thanks to experienced surgeons who know the secret, these risks are at the lowest level and do not cause permanent damage to people. We can list the risk factors as follows:

  • Nerve Damage: In rare cases, the nerves that control the facial muscles may be damaged during the procedure. As a result, conditions such as temporary facial paralysis and sensory loss may occur.
  • Unsuccessful Result: The results obtained may sometimes not meet people’s expectations. This may be perceived as failure. Therefore, make sure that your expectations are realistic before surgery.
  • Scarring: Surgical procedures can sometimes cause significant scars from incisions.
  • Bleeding: It is one of the temporary risks that can occur in every surgery.
  • Infection: Infection may occur in some people after surgery.
  • Revision Surgery: In some cases, additional surgeries may be performed to improve the results.
  • Anesthesia Reaction: Procedures are usually performed under general anesthesia and in rare cases, some people may react to anesthesia.

These risk factors vary from person to person. It is important that your surgeon evaluates your general health condition, genetic and age factors.

2.What are the side effects of Facial Feminization Surgery?

It is important to be familiar with the side effects that may occur especially during the recovery process in order to prevent these negative situations. Here are the side effects that may occur after FFS:

  • -Discussion
  • -Tension
  • -Swelling and bruising
  • -Difficulty breathing through the nose
  • -Difficulty eating

The healing process can last from 2 weeks to 6 weeks depending on the procedures applied and may vary from person to person. In the first weeks, you should avoid any strenuous physical activity and take care to get plenty of rest. From the first 10 days, you can start doing daily chores that will not tire you alone, but it is also useful to stay away from strenuous sports and exercises for a while. It is also important for your health to follow your surgeon’s instructions and listen to his/her recommendations.

3.No More Anxiety for Facial Feminization Surgery

Remember, the FFS journey is about courageous self-love and self-discovery. It is normal and possible to experience a variety of emotions during this process. Do not let fears and anxieties, especially those that arise, overshadow the excitement of this journey. The only thing the process expects from you is sober and realistic approaches.

By arming yourself with knowledge, building a supportive network and prioritizing open communication, you can easily overcome these fears and reshape the rest of your life by being your most authentic self. Don’t put off reaching out to medical professionals, support groups and individuals who have traveled this path before you. Remember, you are not alone.

4.Satisfying Results: A Feminine and Beautiful Face for the Long Term

The surgical nature of the FFS process may discourage some people. However, finding a skilled surgeon who is an expert in his/her field will help allay all your fears. Because an experienced surgeon makes the most accurate assessments by prioritizing your safety and health. He or she then determines the necessary procedures for you in line with your expectations and works to achieve the best results. He or she will guide you with instructions to eliminate potential risks and side effects.

FFS is a transformative surgery that encompasses a range of procedures that are safe and highly successful in terms of their results. Managing this beautiful process with an experienced surgeon will give you the look you want. FFS is the most reliable method on the way to lasting results.

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