De 3 stappen van een buikwandcorrectie: een informatieve gids

Önümüzdeki yaza seksi ve sıkı bir karın ile girmek ister misiniz? O zaman karın germe ameliyatı tam da aradığınız şey! Kilo kaybı ve doğumdan sonra karın bölgesinde meydana gelen olumsuz değişimler özgüveni doğrudan etkileyen faktörler arasında yer alır. Hamilelik sırasında şişen göbek, doğumdan sonra ya da ciddi kilo kayıplarından sonra eriyerek karın derisinin sarkmasına neden olur. Bu sarkma sadece görüntüsü ile değil, fazlalık hissi ve ruhsal açıdan olumsuz etkileri ile de dikkat çeker. Ve doğal olarak, bireyler bu durumdan kutsanmanın yollarını arıyorlar. Ve doğal olarak, bireyler bu durumdan kurtulmanın yollarını arıyorlar.

At the beginning of these ways, abdominoplasty is definitely number one. So what kind of procedure is tummy tuck surgery in general terms:

1.Before Tummy Tuck Surgery

At this stage, it is time to discuss with a suitable surgeon which plan is suitable for you. In this process, the condition of your abdomen is examined with your surgeon and an operation plan is made in line with the opinions of your surgeon.

What is Tummy Tuck?

Tummy Tuck, in the simplest definition, is the surgery performed to give the area a tight and slim appearance by improving the deformations in the abdominal area and recovering the sagging skin. There are so-called mini, full and extended types of this surgical procedure. Your surgeon will decide which type is suitable for you and planning will be made in line with your expectations.

Who can have this surgery?

Although tummy tuck surgery is popular, it is not suitable for everyone. Candidates for this surgery can be defined as people with a history of significant weight loss or who have had a pregnancy and have sagging skin, deformed muscles and stubborn fat in the abdominal area that does not respond to nutrition and exercise. If you want to achieve successful results with a tummy tuck, it is important to be at your ideal weight.

What are the ways to find the right surgeon for tummy tuck surgery?

Finding the right and experienced surgeon is the most important factor in the successful outcome of the surgery. The biggest source that will help you while searching for the right surgeon will undoubtedly be the visitor comments on the internet. Contacting patients who have visited your preferred surgeon before and getting information about their experiences will give you more or less an idea about your surgeon. In addition, researching the surgeon’s certificates will also help you in this process. You can also get information about your surgeon by taking advantage of the free consultancy of the clinics. Many clinics in Turkey, especially in cities such as Antalya and Istanbul, provide this service.

What is the average cost of the procedure?

Tummy tuck surgery has different price averages in different countries. Here are the average prices:

LandAverage Cost of Tummy Tuck
United States$6,000 – $12,000
United Kingdom£4,000 – £8,000
Zuid-Korea$4,000 – $8,000
Thailand$4,000 – $8,000
Kalkoen$3,500 – $6,000

2.During the Operation

Let’s examine the techniques to be applied during tummy tuck and the details of how the process progresses together:

How is tummy tuck surgery performed?

Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure performed under general anaesthesia. The duration of the operation varies depending on the technique to be applied in this procedure, but usually takes between two and four hours. During the operation, the surgeon makes an incision to remove excess skin and fat to tighten the abdominal muscles. In a full tummy tuck, the surgeon reshapes the skin around the belly button.

During the operation, the patient is first put to sleep with general anaesthesia. Then, an incision is made in the abdomen for tummy tuck and muscle repair, collection of excess fat and cutting of excess skin are applied according to the need. If a comprehensive full tummy tuck surgery is in question, the belly button area is reshaped in the belly button area and when the procedure is completed, the abdominal area is closed with the necessary stitches and the operation is terminated.

3.Recovery process after surgery

The healing process varies depending on the nature of the operation and the individual care of the patient. However, if we need to talk about an average time, the healing process starts literally from the 6th week.

Below is a general timeline of some situations you may encounter during your recovery and what you need to do for recovery:

  • First Week: It is possible to experience some pain and discomfort after surgery. However, these pains can usually be controlled with medication. Drains may be placed to remove excess fluid from the surgical site. In this process, you will see your surgeon for follow-up and visit the clinic for examination. You will wear a surgical body shaping garment continuously for the first two weeks to reduce swelling and promote healing. Your surgeon will recommend light walking for blood circulation, but mostly you will be advised to get plenty of rest.
  • Second and Third Week: From this week onwards, you will feel better compared to the first week. Your movements will also be relaxed. Depending on your condition, you can return to work and do your light daily activities.
  • Fourth and fifth week: You can return to almost all of your daily routines.
  • Sixth Week: You are expected to be able to do heavy exercise provided that your surgeon approves.

However, as we mentioned before, the healing process will vary according to the sensitivity of the person and the surgery he/she has undergone. At the end of the healing process, you will start to get visible results.

What results can you expect after the procedure?

In this process, it is important to have realistic expectations in tummy tuck surgery. You will have a tight abdomen after your surgery. However, the secret of a healthy and tight abdomen is definitely dependent on a high quality of life. Because no matter how successful surgical procedures give visible results, improving the lifestyle after the procedure is important for long-term results. A balanced, healthy diet and regular exercise support your tummy tuck surgery and maintain the new appearance of your abdomen.
Tummy tuck surgery is a body transforming and sculpting procedure for patients. This important experience can significantly improve self-image and self-confidence thanks to its successful results.

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