Oogoperaties: Procedures, prijzen en perfecte resultaten

Als je een einde wilt maken aan de problemen rond je ogen en nieuwsgierig bent naar oogoperaties, dan ben je hier op de juiste plek. Want in dit artikel bespreken we oogoperaties in termen van hun omvang, prijzen en resultaten. We hebben het hier echter alleen over de oogzone en esthetische problemen. Ogen zijn een [...]

Eyes are an important and functional organ that adds meaning and aesthetics to the face. We are talking about a vital organ that allows the world to see us while seeing the world. For most people, its appearance is as important as its function. When we convey our emotions, we confirm our words with our gaze. Through our eyes, we send signals to the other side about many issues from our emotions to our gender identity. In this sense, having eye-catching beautiful eyes reinforces facial beauty, adds meaning to our face and plays an important role in how the other party should perceive us.

The solution to unwanted sagging, deformities or masculine lines around the eyes is hidden in eye surgeries within the scope of FFS. If you are experiencing various appearance problems around the eyes and are curious about the process in general, this article will enlighten you.

Most Common Problems Around the Eyes

It is possible to talk about many factors and their consequences that negatively affect the appearance of the eye contour. However, it is possible to list the most common problems as follows:

  • Sagging due to various reasons, especially old age,
  • Wrinkles that appear over time or congenital lines,
  • Eye shape and contour with predominantly masculine features for trans women.

These negative results around the eyes cause an aged appearance in most individuals, regardless of gender. However, thanks to advanced eye aesthetic surgeries, it is possible to get rid of the unwanted appearance. With their permanent and effective results, these eye surgeries are among the most popular surgical procedures of recent years.

Is Non-Surgical Eye Aesthetics Possible?

Yes, it is possible. Before resorting to surgical procedures, non-surgical solutions are the primary procedures that will realize the problems around the eyes in the quickest and easiest way. The first applications that come to mind among these solutions are rejuvenation around the eyes with fillers or laser. With these applications, wrinkles disappear and a younger appearance is achieved. These applications last approximately 10-15 minutes and show their effect within 10-15 days. However, its permanence is 4-6 months and is short-term compared to eye surgeries.

What are the Types of Eye Surgeries?

Eyes surgeries are good alternatives for people who find non-surgical solutions insufficient or who want longer-term results. Temporary and medical solutions may be insufficient in line with the health conditions, age, expectations and needs of individuals. In such cases, people may turn to surgical procedures.

The most common surgeries in the eye area include upper eyelid, lower eyelid, lower and upper eyelid, almond eye aesthetics, under-eye fat injections and eyebrow lift operations. The scope, duration and recovery period of these eye surgeries vary from person to person.

1.Upper and Lower Eyelid Surgery

In general terms, upper and lower eyelid aesthetic surgeries can be handled as follows:

  1. It is usually performed under general anesthesia,
  2. The operation takes 1-1.5 hours on average,
  3. During the operation, excess skin and adipose tissue under the eye is removed, and it is performed with its own dissolving suture at the base of the eyelash.
  4. Bruising and edema can be observed after the operation, the patient returns to social life in 7-10 days.
  5. The lower eyelid and upper eyelid can be performed at the same time as needed.
  6. It is an operation that takes an average of 2-2.5 hours in the operating room under general anesthesia.
  7. Postoperative edema and bruising can be observed, the patient returns to social life in 7-10 days.
  8. During eyelid surgery, if it is considered that the person needs eyebrow lift in addition to eyelid surgery; thread suspension or surgical eyebrow suspension, temple lift aesthetics and eyelid aesthetics are performed in combination. 

Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) usually takes 1 to 2 hours under local anesthesia. Incisions are made over the natural lines on the upper eyelids and just below the eyelashes on the lower eyelids. Through these incisions, the skin is separated, fat tissue is corrected and excess skin tissue is removed. Blepharoplasty can be handled in two different ways, either functional or cosmetic, depending on the goal.

2. Surgeries for Dark Circles and Pits Under the Eyes

In eyelid surgeries, the person may have a request for improvement regarding the hollowness and collapse under the eye, in such cases, fat injection from the body is performed under the eye within the scope of eyelid surgery. Thus, satisfactory and more effective results can be obtained. At the same time, a younger eye contour is given to the face by injecting fat into the temporal gaps around the eyes or over the eyebrows.

3. Cat Eyes (Almond Eyes) Surgery

In addition to the above-mentioned surgeries, almond eye or cat eye surgery, one of the most popular cosmetic surgery operations of the last period.

Almond eye; It is a familiar expression used to express a more slanted and more remarkable eye structure. It is a small but effective cosmetic procedure when the results are considered. It is especially preferred by individuals who have a downward eye structure or who want to change their eye shape. It is also preferred for transgender individuals who want to transform their masculine eye shape into feminine. It is possible to discuss this surgery in general terms as follows:

  1. The operation is performed under general anesthesia.
  2. The primary purpose is to give a slanted expression to the lower eye corner and intervention is performed for this purpose.
  3. After the surgery, people can return to their daily life in about a week.
  4. Problems such as bruising and edema are not very common during the healing process.

When deciding on the procedure to be applied to the eye area, the surgeon makes various evaluations, taking into account the age needs and demands of the person. People who want an aesthetic appearance with eye surgery should first have an examination with their doctor and clearly state what they want and plan the most appropriate treatment method together, taking into account the recommendations of their doctor after the examination.

What are the Prices of Eye Surgeries in Turkey?

Did you know that you can solve your eye aesthetic concerns with the lowest budget in Turkey, the FFS paradise? Here are the prices in Turkey;

  Eyes Surgeries    Dollar  Euro
  Eyelid Surgery    1500-2000 USD  1000-1500 EUR
  Under Eye Surgery    1500-2000 USD  1000-1500 EUR
  Cat Eyes Surgery    1500-2500 USD  1500-2000 EUR

Among the reasons why prices are affordable in Turkey; exchange rate, cheap living conditions and competition between clinics. However, since prices in the country may change from time to time due to the difference in services of clinics and differences in the exchange rate, it would be a good option to contact a clinic directly to get the most up-to-date price information.

Eye Surgeries and Results

These surgeries, which are applied within the scope of FFS, facial feminization, are among the most popular surgeries of recent years. With its permanent and beautiful results, it is ideal for people who care about their personal appearance. It also plays an auxiliary role in restoring the health of people who cannot fully fulfill their visual function due to sagging.

These surgeries focus on the problems around the eyes and aim to improve that area. For trans women, more feminine looks and vitality are achieved by getting rid of masculine eye lines. Gender-neutral eye surgeries give people a younger, new and transformed appearance and provide a stronger self-confidence.

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